Posts Tagged ‘motorcyle’

Don’t Stop me now

October 8, 2008

Mon 29 Sep

After breakfast, filling Asha with petrol, and getting some Euros it was time to hit the road.

I planned to ride until I got bored or until my bottom said no more.

Strangely riding kilometres rather than miles seems to go quicker! By half past three I was already at Nancy where I was going to stay the night and thought what the heck I am not tired why not keep going.

I got as far as Mulhouse which borders Germany and Switzerland. I stopped and asked a French couple where was the nearest Formule 1. Without hesitation they said follow me and we will take you. No problem.

I soon had a room and had Asha covered up for the night. Blog write up, food and a beer would be nice. Formule 1 is a cheap hotel chain 30 Euros a night. So they are not built in most luxurious parts of the town.

This one was located with railway marshalling yards on the right and the Arab Quarter on the left. I asked the receptionist where I could get email and some refreshments.

I had to walk down dimly lit streets with gangs of youths on the street corners. Walk tall and look confident, and don’t look anyone in the eye. I did and I soon relaxed.

I had the most wonderful shish kebab and frites. However, it was slightly disconcerting as the owner was flying a model helicopter around the restaurant.  Well it was his place.

As I walked back to the hotel I found an Internet shop full of young north African Arabs who all wanted to know where I was going and what I was doing. I am sure some of them had been on the street corner when I had passed earlier. They thought it was amazing as I showed them on a map on the wall.

I slept well.